

My sculptures and drawings consist of forms inspired by both the human figure as well as functional items such as tools and weapons. Curves and points dominate my work and there are few straight lines. I try to create objects that attract, like a chosen pebble or a mysterious relic and my creative process is the result of a large number of original ideas, the rejection of most and the refinement of those selected.

The figure has always inspired artists; the earliest recorded being a small sculpted stone fertility figure, the Venus of Willendorf from the Palaeolithic period, around 30,000 BC. The body in art produces an immediate and irresistible natural response both celebrating life and energy whilst simultaneously raging against its finite limitations.

Tools and weapons have their forms determined by their function; perfection resulting in effectiveness often accompanied by an incidental beauty. Such utilitarian items do not need superfluous detail and I try to employ this reductive process in my work, leaving only what is essential to convey meaning or produce a response. I dislike the word minimalist as it implies a lack of effort so describe my work as essentialist.

I believe that the materials chosen by an artist are as important as the subject matter. By combining an appreciation of the art from the past combined with a little common sense we know which mediums can, not only survive, but hopefully, improve with age.

Bronze is a wonderful material both technically and aesthetically. I was particularly impressed by the ancient Greek sculptures, the Riace bronzes, a pair of bearded warriors which were hauled green and glistening from the sea off southern Italy, their natural patination having been applied by the water. For each of my bronzes, I carve a wooden original or ‘pattern’ from which casting is done. My patination is done by heating the metal and applying chemicals to the surface.

My drawings are produced using Indian ink on ivory coloured cartridge paper or card. I use at least three coats of ink on each picture. I love the fact that Indian ink has been used throughout history, as a means to communicate ideas, both in images and words. It is a sensual medium with a subtle sheen resulting from the inclusion of shellac. Oriental calligraphy has a strong influence upon my drawing.

My carved sculpture is constructed from reclaimed hardwood such as teak which I finally ebonise and wax. The forms are created with a mixture of contemporary techniques and traditional carving tools.

As an ex-fine art restorer I strive to produce well crafted durable work which does not include any superfluous or fragile details. I am totally committed to craftsmanship in art and believe that my clients deserve something that is well made. I try to ignore fashion in art. I am currently working on a new series of ink drawings and a set of small bronze sculptures which, if they turn out as intended, will be added to my website later in the year.